Impacters Overcoming Data Constraints with Transfer Learning With transfer learning, instead of using an isolated learning approach, a pre-trained large image model is extended with a smaller dataset.Author: Utsabi DangolProject Saathi is currently working on …
Impacters Discerning soil properties using a Convolutional Neural Network Soil characteristics play a major role in determining what crops can grow in a particular acreage. Therefore in this article, we will attempt to delineate soil properties and categorize them ...
Impacters [Open position] Project Saathi - Software Engineer - Embedded System Impacters is growing and we are putting together a team of strong, enthusiastic engineers and scientists! Impacters (formerly Coder Girls Initiative) aims to start a movement that encourages youths, …
Impacters [Open Position] Project Saathi - Software Engineer - Frontend Impacters is growing and we are putting together a team of strong, enthusiastic engineers and scientists! Impacters (formerly Coder Girls Initiative) aims to start a movement that encourages youths, …
Impacters All about Usability Testing Dive into the world of User Experience Engineering and Design. Learn how to test if your solution is tailored to your user’s need. Impacters is proud to have Anja and ...
Impacters How to be a User Interface/User Experience wizard Dive into the world of User Experience Engineering and Design. Learn how to tailor your solution to the user’s need. Impacters is proud to have Anja and Lisa on our ...
Impacters Software Development and Distribution with Docker Containers Impacters is proud to organize a workshop on Software Development and Distribution with Docker Containers. Join us as Mr. Jeffrey Jedele takes us through the amazing world of containerized ...
Impacters Project Saathi - Junior Data Scientist Level: Entry Impacters is growing and we are putting together a team of strong, enthusiastic engineers and scientists! Impacters aims to start a movement that encourages youths, especially girls to …